Avon, Connecticut, located in Hartford County, is a charming suburban town known for its high standard of living. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Avon began to attract wealthy individuals from Hartford and beyond, who built summer estates in the town. This trend continued into the 20th century, transforming Avon from a rural farming community into an affluent suburb. Today, Avon is known for its high quality of life, excellent schools, and vibrant community. Avon is part of the Farmington Valley region and is predominantly residential, characterized by large homes on expansive plots of land. Learn more about Avon real estate below.
Avon has a rich history that dates back to the 17th century. It was originally known as Northington or the "North Parish" of Farmington, as it was settled by residents who moved north from Farmington. The town was incorporated in 1830 and named Avon after the river Avon in England. Avon has grown steadily over the years, with industries such as farming, blacksmithing, and milling playing a significant role in its economy. As of the 2020 census, the town had a population of approximately 18,932 residents.
The town is perhaps best known for the founding of Avon Old Farms School in 1927, a prestigious boarding school that has educated many notable figures, adding to the town's reputation for quality education. Avon also boasts the Farmington Valley Arts Center, Buckingham Road Recreation Area, and Horse Guard State Park, among other things to do in Avon. With its combination of affluence, top-rated schools, and recreational offerings, Avon is a perfect choice for anyone seeking a high-quality suburban lifestyle.